Monday, March 15, 2010

Wednesday Week 6

Day 2 of our new wiki page!!

This morning for MENTAL EDGE, the Wednesday class had to use their creative thinking skills to draw a fobwoddlehookant. We were being creative, imaginative and we were flexible with our thinking.
What does a fobwoddlehookant look like???
2010_03100002.JPG 2010_03100001.JPG

We had fun learning this song is to the tune of Happy Birthday

El payaso plin plin
Se pinto la nariz
Y a los cinco minutos
HIzo fuerte achiz

It translates to a clown painting his nose, it becoming itcy and he stats sneezing. Remember to do the actions and facial expressions!!

Some examples of polyhedra
Some examples of polyhedra

The wonderful Margaret was in again sharing her passion for quilt making. How does quilt making fit in to our concept on PATTERNS?? Which of our debatable truths are true for quilting? The children showed great persistance throughout this, what semed like an easy;but turned out to be quite challenging, task.

Using the Habit of mind...Accuracy and Precision. A MUST when designing patterns for quilting.


Our finished Ohio Stars

Afternoon Chess with Mr Newton

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