Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuesday Week 6

9th March

My first wiki update!! This is a bit of an experiment, so I hope it works.
For MENTAL EDGE this morning, we continued along with the explicit teaching of Creative Thinking. Today we used all the components of creative thinking (fluency, flexibiliy, orininality and elaboration) while using the new thinking tool L.A.C.E. We had two minutes to .........list as many uses that we could for a fork, draw a fobwoddlehookant, list things that are tringular in shape and to write what we could do with a mountain of used tin cans. Of course we had to use our creative thinking skills when coming up with our answers.........

Everyone continued with their talent. The writers club are well on their way to creating some inspirational poetry, the mathmaticians have been having fun with polyhedra and the ICT kids are getting incredibly frustrated with the animation programme ALICE!!
Some examples of polyhedra
Some examples of polyhedra

After play we had Margaret, Georgia's nanny, come in to teach us about patchwork quilting. Quilting fits in nicely with our concept of patterns. We had a great discussion on the history of quilting and how the patterns within the quilt often tell a story. Today we had a go at creating an Ohio Star. What we discovered is that to create one of these not as easy as it looks!! You have to think about use of colour and how you are going to highlight the pattern within it. Many mistakes were made, but most of us got there in the end! Some also went on to try; Corner Nines and Bear's this space!

Margaret explaining the need for accuracy and precision when quilt  making.
Margaret explaining the need for accuracy and precision when quilt making.
Keziah deep in concentration.
Keziah deep in concentration.
Some of our finished Ohio Stars
Some of our finished Ohio Stars

Our finished Ohio Stars

This afternoon Mr Newton came in for chess.

Jack and Hayley.
Jack and Hayley.
Isaac , Reinhard and Mr Newton carefully thinkig through the next  move.
Isaac , Reinhard and Mr Newton carefully thinking through the next move.

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