On Tuesday Isaac shared some clay figures he had made which he is hoping to develop for his claymation. He is goingto develop one of these ideas further for his final claymation animation. We were all impressed with the detail and we all had our own opinions as to which character we thought he should develop.

Grace has been working on her aquaduct for several months and finally it is finished! She based her design on an aquaduct in France (she thinks it is Paris) As a class we had a great discussion on the use and history of aquaducts. Grace shared with us what she had learnt and how she made it. She let us in on a little secret....she made it look old by using coffee!! Well done Grace, and thanks for sharing your passion with us.

The Habits of Mind
The Habits of Mind are are a collection of 16 thinking dispositions identified by Professor Art Costa. Costa defined the Habits of Mind as the dispositions skillfully and mindfully displayed by characteristically intelligent people when confronted with problems the solution to which are not immediately apparent - The Art Costa Centra for Thinking
At GKP and ODC we use The Habits of Mind alot. Today we had a puzzle to solve. For some of us, who have been at ODC for a while, this was fairly easy (although we still had to think about it!) and for those who are new, we had to use our best deduction and inferring skills to work the answers out. We had a habit picture, name and definition that we had to match them up.....no easy task!

Lots of discussion took place. At the debriefing at the end, we discussed which habits we used while completing this activity....since that's what The Habits of Mind are all about!! We used some or all of these; Applying Past Knowledge, Persistance and Thinking Interdependently to solve the problem we were faced with. We then discussed with Habits we thought we were good at and which ones we didn't really understand or wanted to know more about. The habits of Mind will be taught explicitly each week.....as well as practised....sometimes without knowing it!
Our temperament research is all completed and the children have begun their visual presentations. Some have decided to combine their temperament work with their Day they Were Born work, and that is fine.
Poems were put on hold this week (we ran out of time basically!) so we will get back in to these next week.
TALENT TIME...our favourite time of day!

Niamh and her 'Ugly Creature' in the making

Taine working with his buddy Isaac on cla

Our activity this afternoon was to look at different discoveries and then catagorise them according to which field we thought they belonged to. (If you click on the pictures you will get a larger version one whcih you can read!)

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