Our sharing evening was in Week 9 and the theme for this year was sharing our passion.
Enter My Mind.
Each student chose a passion that they inquired in to further using Sandra Kaplan's Depth and Complexity Icons.
There was a huge variety of passions on show including;
* Tractor modifications through time
* Dolphins
* Dolphins
* The benefits of Manuka Honey
* The evolution of dogs
* Lions
* Sea Turtles
* Origami
* Origami peace cranes
* Movie visual effects
* Colour blindness
* Movie visual effects
* Colour blindness
* William the Conqurer
* The Battle of Hastings
* Aztec Temples
* Ice structures
* Photography
* NZ firsts
* Medievil castles
* Astronomy
* Enid Blyton
* Maori Pas
* Graphic design
* Greek Mythology
* Natural Beaulty products
We also had a small group of children present the work they had been doing with Joe P and Margaret F. These children have been working with Joe and Margaret to clean up the polluted Lakeview School Stream.
We welcomed many teachers, principals, parents, friends and extended family on the night. We were also very excited to see Masterton's Mayor and Mayoress and members from Masterton Trust Lands Trust (our major sponsors).
The build up to the evening is always a stressful one, but it is always throughly enjoyed by all on the night.
We had alot of positive feedback. Evryone had a fantastic time and thoroughly enjoyed taking part in our interactive activities.
Here are some pics of us and our displays....
John Newton, our chess tutor, has been away this term. We were lucky enough to get Minty Hunter to introduce us to some highly complex board games. Minty and his wife Bex are the creative partners behind some of New Zealands newest board games. They are also web designers and animators. Check out Minty's webpage here.
We had great fun over several afternoons....

Sadly Tuesday Class farewelled Victoriya, our Russian tutor. She is moving up north with her family and is expecting a baby in the New Year. Our final Russian session was based on traditional Russian cuisine....and no, thete was no RUSSIAN FUDGE!! (as it isn't actually Russian) All the best for your new ventures Victoriya. We will miss you. We hopefully have a new tutor starting in term 4.

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