Each morning we celebrate our successes for the week.
Zac brought in the chainmail he has been working on. He explained what it is, how it is made and then we had a discussion about how chainmail fits into our concept of PATTERNS. Chainmail repeats, chainmail is manmade, chainmail is a whle that is made up of several parts. The main purpose of chainmail is SURVIVAL, but it could also fit in to STRENGTH.
Emily shared the flax weaving that she did in her home class last week. Her flax bracelet shows patterns that repeat. Her bracelet is manmade although it is made from a natural product. The main purpose of her bracelet was for BEAUTY.
What is a Tallfobblemonkeydong? We had to use all our creative thinking skills to come up with a sketch......thinking flexibly, fluently and using originality to come up with a creative picture. We then had to elaborate to extend our ideas. We could elaborate by adding labels, writing a couple of sentences describing the characteristics of our creature, or we could add more details to our drawings.

We continued on with creative thinking by using the inventions key to 'Create a device that could be used to wake you up in the morning'
Again we were thinking flexibly, fluently and we had to use origianality to come up with a new idea. We had to elaborate at the end by extending our thoughts.

(I was a bit worried that many of the ideas weren't overally plesent!1)
Moving onto CONCEPT
Activity 1.
Many types of PATTERNS can be found in nature. Use the National Geographic Patterns in Nature Photo Series to explore some of nature's patterns.
We had to look at the photos carefully and then decide if the pattern's stle was linear (points form a straight line), radial (forms curves), or a matrix (a starting point from where something develops). We needed to decide if the pattern was a formed by a single item or a group, was mono in colour or multi and if its art form was stamp or splatter.
This picture shows Boa Constrictor Scales. It style is radial, it is a group of items, it is multicoloured and it is in stamp formation.

What would you say for this one? (It's a water vortex)
Activity 2
Pattern Types.
PATTERNS can be prganised into the following groups;
For example we had to decide where we would place these; assembly lines, ballet, weather, library etc. Many were open to interpretation like.....body rhythems. Some thought of this as rhythms within our body, therefore it falls in to SURVIVAL. Some interpreted this as movement type rhythms, therefore it would fall more into BEAUTY.
We also discussed how some would fit into more than 1 area. Lot of discussion was had.....which is what it is all about!
Playing a game where Victorya read out a Russian word and the group who found the letter that it begins with wins a point. Gifted kids LOVE competition!

Continuing on with Math's Club, Writer's Club and ICT.......
Rhemus investigating KNOTOLOGY (strip folding) as part of his Polyhedra work....and then giving it a ago himself.
Flynn investigating perspectives using VPs. VPL, VPR. What do these stand for? This is what Flynn had to find out and then use his new knowledge to draw shapes.
Sam writing his EPIC poem. Watch this space, it's a goodie!
Reinhard putting the finishing touches on one of his poems.
The math's club busy making polyhedra.
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